…If Someone Walks Away From Us, We Must Let Them Go!!! Don’t Demonize Them or curse them in anyway. Don’t harass them or be annoying or vengeful. If when We were with them, We were happy and content, We must not flip the script because they decided or chose to make a move without Us! Regardless, if they walked away, for a good reason or a bad reason, they are still someone that We Loved and in some cases, We may Always Love Them. We can retain that which is good in a special place in our hearts and allow the good energy to empower us to move on with Our lives – Happy, Healthy & Mentally Strong! Finally, remember this, GOD knows all, see’s all & will never leave Us, nor Forsake Us & will Always have Our back – Our front & Our middle! If We Seek –The GOD-Factor in Prayer, in our Bible or Holy Book, for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, Our next move will be better than Our last! This will help Us put things in the proper perspective. So Our Present & Future can be reignited with Our Genuine, Authentic Shine for Life, Love, Pure Happiness & Hope!

That’s The Holy Hook Up!!!

A Word from The LORD, on this Day 2/20/18…Prayers, Peace & Progress!!! 

Rev. LaDana Clark aka LADYJAM