LGBTQ & All People concerned about the safety of All Children in Cooperstown, New York & Surrounding Areas! These Young People & the Cooperstown School District Leadership need Our Thoughts, Prayers, Action & Support… a student at Cooperstown Central School was beaten and called a f**got, while someone recorded and posted the video on social media. The PTA will be meeting tonight (6/11) at 5:30 in the Cooperstown elementary school library. The School board will be meeting Wednesday night (6/12) at 7 in the Cooperstown high school library. Please attend and urge the school board to take the necessary immediate actions to keep all Students which includes LGBTQ students safe, and demand they properly deal with those responsible for these terrible incidents. I will be attending both these meetings. Please share this post and show up at the meetings!!! Your support would be greatly appreciated!!!
…Rev. LaDana Clark aka LADYJAM – The Entertainer On a Mission!!!