Rev. LaDana Clark…
This King Day Weekend, will set the Tone! We Are All In This Together Now! Where we go from here is Up to Us! GOD sets the Table in Our Multiple Faith Communities, Educational Institutions, through Authentic, Genuine – Community Organizations, GOD Loving Individuals, People who are for Equality for All. Positively Driven Leadership! YES, GOD has Children that make a mess and don’t want to clean up or “Play Nice!” Some of GOD’s children who are taking the wide road, that often leads to a spiritual and sometimes physical or sadly a mental death, we must continue to Pray for them and their Families. Because as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught us, All our destiny are intertwined. We can’t have the right to live if those we have disagreements with don’t have the right to live! However, GOD does have alot more Adults in The Room and a lot of Young People who have chosen the Narrow Road that few find, unless they do the inner, self, care work! A Friend and I were talking about our old New York City Street Kid Days when at least we had a Village of Black People who Loved Black People Enough, to watch out for the Kids and The Elderly! Everybody in The Neighborhood knew, You would catch a verbal and/or physical beat down, if you messed with either of those respected and appreciated members of our community! No matter what color or ethnic group we are, We Must RECLAIM our Villages or Our Hoods! We must change the negative agreement on the streets, in our homes, in our communities, in our politics, in our churches, in our schools, colleges, local governments etc. The Fear and Disrespect for Human Life and disregard for Humanity must End and we must Stop The Hate, Start the Healing, Save Lives and Decrease The Body Bags!!! I can’t wait to see you again or meet you for the very first time this weekend! Why because Social Media, Technology and Government does not Rule The World GOD and Great People Do! Let us Come Together Now and build, a better World for Our Kids Sake for Grandma and Grandpa!For Our Ancestors who bled, sweat, cried millions of tears and often died with unfulfilled promises, but yet had humongous hearts!
Those who passed away and sleep now in Heavenly Quarters! They are Watching and Rooting for Us, Like Cheer Leaders at The Big Game! Because it is Time Now to Be The Change, They and We want To See!