Unite America!!! United, we all win! Divided we all lose!!! We must finally, wholeheartedly, live up to Our True Creed, that we are All created Equal, In GOD We Trust and in the United States of America there is Liberty and Justice for All! Hate can never eliminate darkness and/or negativity. Just as Anger can never produce Joy or Peace. It is only Love that can bring Light, Harmony and a Better Quality of life for All of Humanity!!! #UniteAmericaYesWeCan…Rev. LaDana Clark aka LADYJAM (8/12/19) Big Props to the Beat Creator -Papamitroumusic@Hotmail.com
Lead Vocals by Pastor LADYJAM – Recorded 8/11/19 on location at The “ChurchNtheHood” Movement Headquarters, “The Red Door Church” (First United Presbyterian Church) in Oneonta, New York…Check out this video on Our YouTube Channel – Rev. LaDana Clark…https://youtu.be/-7TEvAtRV5o